Our IT services align our expertise to the needs of our federal clients. From program management to daily applications, AG is committed to IT solutions that optimize our clients’ organizational performance.
AvantGarde (AG) has been experiencing significant growth in the federal IT market as our clients continuously return to us to provide additional IT services to meet their growing needs. AG has been providing services for both the Executive and Legislative Branches, and we nearly always work at the client’s site. AG is especially adept at supporting legacy systems and preserving the investments made into those systems while helping clients transition to the newest, most advanced cloud-based systems that federal clients are now embracing. AG leverages its 30 years of experience supporting the federal IT ecosystem to design, develop, and implement solutions to modernize complex legacy applications while migrating to new platforms.
Enterprise Portfolio Management and Transformation -TRANSFORMATON - Take a holistic enterprise view of your projects and initiatives to implement modern, agile, IT frameworks based on industry’s best practices. -EFFICIENCY - Eliminate duplicate functionalities, increase cost efficiency, and build roadmaps that transform system and cultural readiness by increasing process adoption. -DATA SCIENCE & ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE - Convert your data into data-driven models and actionable intelligence by using data science tools. Discover creative technology solutions which enable you to increase overall project impact, better project management, and effective decision making.
DevOpps -SERVERLESS ARCHITECTURES - Build and run applications and services without having to manage infrastructure -CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION/ CONTINUOUS DEPLOYMENT - Ships software quickly and efficiently, getting products to market faster than ever before by using Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment. -Automate computer application deployment with confidence by migrating to Kubernetes. -CLOUD, ON-PREM, & HYBRID INFRASTRUCTURE – With strong capabilities in on- prem, cloud and hybrid infrastructure, we are here to help your organization.
Software Development -AGILE/LEAN SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT - Introducing modern software development practices to traditional environments. -MULTI-STACK EXPERTISE - We provide expertise in various tech stacks using .Net, Java, PHP, Ruby, NodeJs and more. -APPLICATION SECURITY - Address rising security threats with our expertise, we can prevent, find, and fix security weaknesses at the application level in development, software, and hardware processes. -LOW CODE/ NO CODE - Cost effective, quickly implemented, uses rules for simple decision-making and allows users to build software applications without the need to write code.